Monday, November 1, 2010

Many things have come to pass...

Yes, many, many things...
I don't even know where to start. Since 1 picture is worth a thousand words, I guess I'll save several thousand words below:

This is the day before Sage's baby brother was born:
Torsten Jasper Jodock!
Born May 2nd, 2010

Torsten will be 6 months old tomorrow. Sage is growing up so much, I can hardly believe it. She has adjusted amazingly well to being a big sister instead of an only child, and now says she can't even remember before Torsten was born. My children are absolutely in love with each other. That's not to say that she didn't purposefully hit him on the head with a play phone today, but she also told me a couple days ago that she wanted to marry him when he grew up because she loves him so much. Sigh. Weird, but sweet. :-)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sledding with Grandaddy

We went down to Berea for a snowy weekend, and Sage went on a couple of excellent sledding expeditions with Grandaddy. What fun! Here are the sledding (and pre-sledding) pictures.

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