Monday, November 1, 2010

Many things have come to pass...

Yes, many, many things...
I don't even know where to start. Since 1 picture is worth a thousand words, I guess I'll save several thousand words below:

This is the day before Sage's baby brother was born:
Torsten Jasper Jodock!
Born May 2nd, 2010

Torsten will be 6 months old tomorrow. Sage is growing up so much, I can hardly believe it. She has adjusted amazingly well to being a big sister instead of an only child, and now says she can't even remember before Torsten was born. My children are absolutely in love with each other. That's not to say that she didn't purposefully hit him on the head with a play phone today, but she also told me a couple days ago that she wanted to marry him when he grew up because she loves him so much. Sigh. Weird, but sweet. :-)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sledding with Grandaddy

We went down to Berea for a snowy weekend, and Sage went on a couple of excellent sledding expeditions with Grandaddy. What fun! Here are the sledding (and pre-sledding) pictures.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fun with Friends

Here are some cute pictures that my friend, Alexis, took of Sage with Alexis' son, Aiden. They are such sweet friends!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fun at Grandma's

Here are some sweet pictures Grandma Alice took of Sage yesterday while she was playing outside in Berea. She has so much fun running around with their little dog, Rusty!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Summer Retrospective

Well it's been 3 months since I've updated Sage's blog now. I thought some of you might be interested to see what she's been up to this summer. Those of you who are on Facebook may have seem many of these, but I realize that not everyone participates in that, so here are some repetes, and some new gems.

We'll start with a few from a funky little zoo in WV that we visited on the way up to Ethan Morris' wedding in PA. This was back in May, but I just realized we never posted them.

This zoo had PVC pipe tubes through which you could feed the animals a variety of snacks (provided for a fee at the entrance) These included popcorn, moon-pies (no joke), and little pellats called zoo biscuits. This last option looked the healthiest to us, so we bought a cup full (we still have the souvenir cup). Here are Sage and Aren feeding an Andes Black Bear:

Here she's feeding a very cute little pygmy goat:
Then she ran out of zoo biscuits, so she fed a rock to another goat. He didn't eat it.
And here she's feeding some hay to a mule. We got some more zoo-snacks after this.

And here she's reaching high to feed the grizzly bear.
Here are some pictures taken by Grandma Jan in June:

This is one of my favorite pictures of Sage of all time:
And another of my favorites. Thanks Jan!

A trip to the Zoo with Grandma Jan:

Here Sage is showing me her berry-stained fingers after a trip to our CSA farm.

And the berry smile:Posing outside in her pretty, pink dress:

Here is Sage in pursuit of a bubble at Cumberland Dance Camp in July. Click on the image to see the bubble more clearly.
And finally, here are some from the recent trip to MN (mid-September). Isn't she looking grown up?

"Mama, come look! I made a house!":
These are from the Minnesota Renaissance Festival where we went with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Darrell.

Thanks for checking folks! Here's hoping I'll find time to update the blog again before christmas!