Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Middle of the Night Post

For you, dear family and friends, I am posting after midnight. Computer time is scarce these days, as Sage is actually napping in bed rather than in my arms, so I feel like during her naps I have to do something more useful around the house--like the dishes, or other such house chores. But I wanted to let you all know that my dear sweet child is continuing to learn and grow at a stunning pace. She is now learning lots of words each day, and seems to be able to talk about most of the things that are important to her. Aren caught a 3-word sentence a couple of days ago, and she uses 2-word sentences much of the time. Some recently-learned words are: purple, wet, bike, cat, mess, man, meat, broccoli, yogurt, book, potty. :-) She has begun to have phone "conversations" with Grandma Alice and Emma, which is wonderful. Her end of the conversation usually goes something like this: "Hi," *listen very hard, press ear into phone, smile, point at dog* "Dog," "All done," "bye bye".

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days:

Talking on the phone:

Wearing the hat I made for her a few weeks ago:

With the little elephant I just made for her:

Giving the Elephant a kiss:

Giving the Elephant a hug:


Grandma Alice said...

How sweet! I love the new elephant "baba".
I also enjoy seeing what Sage looks like when I talk with her on the phone. Sweet!

Grandma Alice

Hazel said...

Thanks for your comment! I thought you might enjoy seeing what it looks like on this end of the phone. :-)