Friday, January 18, 2008

Doin' The Walkabout

Sage's walking is improving drastically every day. Within the past hour she figured out how to consistently stand up by herself from sitting on the floor, which means that crawling is really no longer necessary. When she falls down, she can just get back up and walk some more! She's quite amazing. I think today, I would really and truly call her a toddler. Oh, and she's definitely got the dancing feet (or hips, as the case may be). She loves any and all music, but especially if its got a good beat! Check out this video --it's sooo three days ago as far as the walking goes, but it's just about the cutest thing Aren and I have ever seen. :-)

We're all excited about Grandma Jan's visit this weekend! It's such a great time to come see Sage!


RS4books123 said...

That's about as cute as it gets! How fun. So, who exactly taught her those moves? ;-)
Great Aunt Ruth

Rebecca said...

Love those hips! We knew she was close when we were there!