Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Levi Jackson Fun!

Mommy and Sage spent last weekend at Levi Jackson for a dance weekend. It was a lot of fun despite a few hang-ups: we got somewhat less sleep than usual (Sage and mommy shared a sleeping bag on a dusty mattress), and mommy managed to leave Sage's baby carriers at home, so it was off to Walmart to buy a swath of fabric. Good thing we've been working on using wraps as baby carriers recently!! 4.5 yards of flannel ripped in half lengthwise worked great all weekend! It was especially supportive and cozy for dancing!

Sage got to spend lots of quality time with her grandparents!

She absolutely loves to swing with Grandma.

And Aunt Rachael always gets the best smiles. :-D

Levi Jackson has a new playground this year with awesome baby swings that go pretty high. The higher the better for this little daredevil! She is definitely her father's daughter. :-)

But the best part of the weekend is that we got to see out wonderful friends Katy and Samuel!! We hiked down to the duck pond and both the baby and the big boy got a ride!

Thanks to Grandma Alice for taking (most of) these great pictures!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

You all look so great! Good to see Katy and Samuel looking well! Love you, Becca