Monday, October 15, 2007

Just cause I can...

Well, since blogger has a new video option, I figured, why not put in a video of my girl crawling . It seemed like Sage's far away Grandma, grandpa and uncle... as well as other family and friends might enjoy seeing how grown up she is. So without further ado, here's our adorable baby girl crawling to mama:


Unknown said...

omg - I can't take it! She is too cute! Keep the photos and videos coming. It's perfect, given how far apart we are.

I can't wait to meet her. Will you be in MN by chance in the week after Christmas? I will be there until Jan 2nd or 3rd.

If I don't meet Sage then, I hope sometime soon. She's just too cute!

RS4books123 said...

How FUN!!! I love the audio, too. Great to be with Sage (and her Mama) in Tennesse. Love from Aunt Ruth