Thursday, September 20, 2007

Did you say crawling??

Ok, so these are pretty much just gratuitous cuteness pics to go along with the statement that SAGE IS CRAWLING!! She wasn't actually crawling in the pictures (they are from yesterday afternoon, and she didn't crawl until last night pretty much at bedtime) but she was thinking about it pretty hard here. So far, she isn't crawling very vast. She does this cute thing, where she tucks her right leg under her as if she's sitting indian style, and it prevents her from crawling in a very efficient manner. But she can get where she needs to go... which is pretty much wherever her ball has rolled. Anyway, mommy and daddy couldn't be more proud. If you think about it, crawling is perhaps an even more important step than walking, because it is the start of locomotion. Walking is just an increase in efficiency.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Your little baby is the best!