We'll start with a few from a funky little zoo in WV that we visited on the way up to Ethan Morris' wedding in PA. This was back in May, but I just realized we never posted them.
This zoo had PVC pipe tubes through which you could feed the animals a variety of snacks (provided for a fee at the entrance) These included popcorn, moon-pies (no joke), and little pellats called zoo biscuits. This last option looked the healthiest to us, so we bought a cup full (we still have the souvenir cup). Here are Sage and Aren feeding an Andes Black Bear:
Here she's feeding a very cute little pygmy goat:
And here she's reaching high to feed the grizzly bear.
Here are some pictures taken by Grandma Jan in June:
This is one of my favorite pictures of Sage of all time:
A trip to the Zoo with Grandma Jan:
Here Sage is showing me her berry-stained fingers after a trip to our CSA farm.
And the berry smile:
Here is Sage in pursuit of a bubble at Cumberland Dance Camp in July. Click on the image to see the bubble more clearly.
And finally, here are some from the recent trip to MN (mid-September). Isn't she looking grown up?
"Mama, come look! I made a house!":