A what could possibly be sweeter than to hear your child say I love you? Nothing. I'm sure of it. A couple days ago, I was singing a song to Sage that featured those words, and she spontaneously began saying "I love you" to me, and when I told her it would be nice to tell Dada she loved him when he got home, she started saying, "Dada, I love you, Dada, I love you!" and then "Mama, I love you, Mama, I love you!" It really sounds more like "I yuh you" but we know what she's saying. My goodness, I think I must have the sweetest child in the world. Later we talked to Grandma Alice and Emma on the phone, and she told them she loved them too. Dada's heart was completely melted, I think, when he came home to such a sweet welcome: kisses, hugs, gentle pats on the shoulder and multiple assertions of "Dada, I love you."
I also have been forgetting to mention that Sage has been out of diapers for a few weeks now. She is VERY good at sitting on the potty to pee, and she doesn't even need a diaper at night (though we do have to get up to sit on the potty multiple times per night). We think it's pretty amazing for 19 months old! Before anyone gets concerned, I certainly didn't push her to potty train so early. She was "all done" with diapers, and all I had to do was show her that the potty was an OK place to pee.
AND, Sage has been doing so well at eating with a spoon and fork at the dinner, that I wanted to include this little video of her eating soup with a spoon, and not spilling a drop!
For you, dear family and friends, I am posting after midnight. Computer time is scarce these days, as Sage is actually napping in bed rather than in my arms, so I feel like during her naps I have to do something more useful around the house--like the dishes, or other such house chores. But I wanted to let you all know that my dear sweet child is continuing to learn and grow at a stunning pace. She is now learning lots of words each day, and seems to be able to talk about most of the things that are important to her. Aren caught a 3-word sentence a couple of days ago, and she uses 2-word sentences much of the time. Some recently-learned words are: purple, wet, bike, cat, mess, man, meat, broccoli, yogurt, book, potty. :-) She has begun to have phone "conversations" with Grandma Alice and Emma, which is wonderful. Her end of the conversation usually goes something like this: "Hi," *listen very hard, press ear into phone, smile, point at dog* "Dog," "All done," "bye bye".
Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days:
Talking on the phone: Wearing the hat I made for her a few weeks ago: With the little elephant I just made for her: Giving the Elephant a kiss: Giving the Elephant a hug:
Dearest family and friends, Sage is very pleased to share with you this collection of pictures and anecdotes. We will attempt to keep it updated as well as we can. We must admit that things do often get a bit busy around our house, so from time to time, we may miss a few weeks. Please do feel free to give us a little prodding if you notice it has been too long. Sage wishes you all a very lovely day, and hopes she can see you soon!