Sage had a perfectly lovely visit from Grandma Jan and Grandpa Darrell this weekend. Even though it had been quite a while since she'd seen them, she warmed up to them quickly and was everyone's darling little sprite all weekend long. On the 4th we walked in the 10k race. My friend Ruth and I had Sage and James on our backs, and Dada and Grandma Jan came along to join in the fun. Then we had a little birthday dinner for mama with Sage's little friends, James and Aiden, and their parents (our friends) Ruth, John, Alexis and Brandon. On Saturday we went to the Renaissance Faire where my morris team was dancing, and then out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. Sage made friends with the waitress and entertained the other patrons with her antics and her friendly smiles. She is definitely coming out of her shell recently! On Sunday, Dada's aunt Karen and Uncle Cliff came for dinner and a visit, and again Sage took her job as entertainer very seriously. She had us all roaring with laughter as she bounced on balls, and ran around crazily asking for tickles: "Gi gi gi gi gi gi!"-- translation="tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!"
Mama unfortunately didn't take a picture all weekend, but here are some highlights beautifully photographed by Grandma Jan.
This series Shows Sage demonstrating for Grandma all the ways it is possible to wear a cloth diaper:
Here are Sage and her dada enjoying a silly moment:
And some fun with Grandpa Darrell!
Silly times with Mama:
At the renaissance faire in our matching poofy sleeves:
Looking mighty cute at the faire (and having a little snack of cheddar bunnies):
Riding on a liittle tractor with Grandpa!
Pure sweetness just before bed:
Silly Sage wanted to wear grandma's shoes. She walked all the way down the hall in them!
Another sweet little smile caught by Grandma:
Blowing bubbles: She actually blew one herself!
Enjoying some particularly stunning jewelry:
Reading a Babybug magazine with Mama (this one once belonged to Emma!):
And playing with Grandma's watch (Oh so silly!):
Sadly, since Grandma Jan took all the pictures, we didn't get any of Sage and Grandma together. But they certainly had some wonderful times worth remembering! We'll just have to keep those pictures in our heads.